About Appel

Visually minded, intellectually curious, Appel is a collection of interviews and articles relating to art and architecture, as well as notes on exhibits and studio visits. To the extent there’s a unifying theme, this blog traces inspiration in contemporary art to the old masters and the ancients.  The emphasis is on lineage, and what we can learn from the past in talking about art and society today.

Appel takes its name from the French word for a calling, or vocation. It’s a play on the name of the Ancient world’s most celebrated painter, Apelles. Nulla dies sine linea—"Not a day without a line drawn." All of his work has vanished, yet his lineage can be traced to the art of today.

My name is Romas Tauras, and I’m Art & Architecture Editor for Five Books. I’ve worked in finance, freelance radio and most recently for one of Europe’s oldest porcelain makers, in Portugal (I’m very fortunate - Oxbridge and the Ivy League have opened many different doors for me over the years). My father Romas Viesulas was a renowned printmaker, and along with my family I manage the Viesulas Estate. This is where I gather material I’ve picked up along the way that I’ve found interesting. Have you got an idea for an interview or a story relating to art or architecture? I would love to hear from you.

Audubon’s Birds of America, original compendium, as auctioned by Christie’s

Audubon’s Birds of America, original compendium, as auctioned by Christie’s